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Learn British English: cloud idioms

Soon, I will post a British English video about the weather. As preparation, here are some colloquial expressions involving clouds:


A cloud

Head in the clouds

If someone is being crazy and unrealistic, they have their “head in the clouds”:

“That guy’s constantly talking rubbish. He’s always got his head in the clouds.”


On cloud nine

If someone is “on cloud nine”, they are absolutely delighted about something:

“He’s been on cloud nine ever since she said she’d go out with him.”


Every cloud has a silver lining

This is a type of proverb which means every problem or bad situation has a positive aspect:

“I was really upset when she broke up with me, but I enjoy having more time to myself.”

“Well, you know that every cloud has a silver lining.”

“She lost her job but soon found something else she enjoyed doing.” “There’s your silver lining, then.”


Please watch out for my next British English accent training video about weather, coming in the next few days!